Weather Concerns

If you are like most of our clients, you’ve already been looking at the long range weather forecast and may already be contemplating rescheduling if the forecast isn’t looking good. So this seems like a good time to share our thoughts on weather, how we make the best of it when it when we can and when we go about rescheduling due to weather.

First of all let’s address a few common questions we get about weather:

Q: What do we consider bad weather?

A: Any extreme weather that is likely to impact our ability to create your senior pictures as planned. High winds, excessive heat, fog or rain that is unsafe or likely to interfere with our shoot as planned. We do not consider cloudy or overcast conditions bad weather and do not reschedule simply because it is not sunny.

Q: When do we decide to reschedule?

A: Generally, we wait as long as we possibly can due to the unpredictability of most perils like thunderstorms and high winds. Usually a few hours before your photo shoot, but occasionally as early as 24 hours before your photo shoot when bad conditions seem virtually certain like excessive heat warnings or a high chance of rain is predicted all day.

Q: What goes into making the decision?

A: Wow, everything.

  • What type of weather peril we are facing
  • How much confidence we have in the forecast for the locations we will be shooting at
  • How bad weather will might affect what we are planning to do in your photo shoot (some plans are affected more than others)
  • How long your shoot is planned for
  • How much of it is outside
  • How difficult will it be for both parties to reschedule
  • What arrangements have been made for props, locations, makeup and the impact of rescheduling them
Q: Who makes the decision?

A: It’s always a consensus decision we make together with you.

Q: How do we go about rescheduling once we decide to do so?

A. We reschedule for the next mutually available date.

We have become well versed in all sorts of weather challenges and have developed approaches to dealing with the most common ones based on our experience.

The most common weather issue affecting senior photo shoots, thunder storms, are also the trickiest to predict. The best that most forecasters can do is predict whether conditions will be right for storms to form in a region, but they rarely know when and where until a few hours before hand when they can start tracking storm cells on radar.  Even then we have learned to trust our own interpretation of radar than hourly forecasts. We have simply seen too many cases where it is obvious from looking at the radar that a storm will pass through and clear up before a photo shoot, yet the forecast still predicts a significant chance of storms for several hours after. The computer models can be a little slow to adjust to what is obvious to you and me. We give even less credence to storm predictions days in advance. These forecasts are great for letting us know we need to keep an eye on the weather on the day of your shoot, but too premature to plan around.

Timing plays a big factor in how storms affect a photoshoot. Storms several hours before a photoshoot often clear up and leave no residual issues that could affect the photoshoot. Storms just before a photoshoot or even an isolated storm during a photoshoot can create welcome conditions like glistening streets, dramatic clouds, reflective puddles, beautiful skies, rainbows, etc… We plan extra time into our photoshoots to wait out isolated storms so, in moderation, they shouldn’t interfere with your pictures.

What we are planning to do in your photo shoot can also be a big factor in rescheduling due to rain.  If our focus is urban, sports, trash the dress or other ideas where a little wet ground won’t hurt anything, then we don’t need to worry about the lingering effects of a storm. If an important part of our plan is for you to be laying in the wet grass right after it rains, however, then rescheduling might be the best thing.

A little wind is great, especially when it’s hot. It can  keep things cool, give your hair some volume, and create welcome waves in the tall grass and water. Too much wind and your clothing and hair can be difficult to keep under control, our lights and reflectors start blowing over and things can get crazy in a hurry. We generally try to reschedule shoots when the short-term hourly forecast predicts sustained winds over 15 MPH. We prefer to wait to reschedule a photoshoot due to wind until the last possible moment because wind forecasts can change rapidly.

We regularly do all kinds of senior photoshoots with predicted heat indexes up to 100 degrees. With good makeup, frequent breaks in the air conditioning, and good hydration we have found we can make the best of these conditions. When heat indexes approach 110 degrees we start rescheduling long photoshoots with predominantly outdoor locations and photoshoots with a lot of action or sports pictures. We have just found it too hard for both models, photographers and their helpers to be active in these conditions for more than a couple hours.  We may, however, recommend proceeding with shorter, less active photo shoots. Any short term forecast above 110 degrees on the heat index and we simply reschedule for the safety of our clients and employees. Heat index forecasts are fairly reliable as far as 24 hours out so we are comfortable rescheduling due to heat the morning of an evening photoshoot and sometimes the night before.