Fashion Senior Pictures
We like to think Fashion Senior Pictures are more than simply dressing up for your senior pictures in nice outfits you don’t wear every day. They are a means for fashion enthusiasts and creatives to really express themselves. You can’t speak in your senior pictures, but you can let your fashion do a lot of the talking for you. If you want your senior pictures to look more like the pages of a magazine than the usual senior pictures everyone else is doing, then you have come to the right place.
Why we love Fashion Senior Pictures…
Your fashion choices are some of the biggest things you can do to make your senior pictures not look like everyone else’s. Every detail you add to your outfits make them more and more unique. Do you want to be among the millions of seniors who wear a sun dress and flats for their senior pictures or be the one in a million who rock a sun dress with a non-traditional hat, a unique non-jean jacket, fun bangles, the perfect necklace and earrings, and fashion sun glasses – a truly unique outfit that no other senior will be wearing?
Your fashion choices also tell us a lot about who you are. Are you creative? What is your sense of style? Your sense of humor? Do you ever wish you were born in a different era? Are you a free spirit or buttoned down? Edgy? Fun? Bold? Sexy? Traditional?
Editorial fashion or styled shoots are a great way to tell a story about something interesting or important to you in an interesting way. Are you fascinated with the 70s? Do you like to travel? Go to the beach? Workout? Are you passionate about dance or a particular sport? We love to help seniors tell their stories.